Mission statement and information for first time visitors not familiar with iconic Apple-1 computer. The Apple-1 Registry is a non-profit website.
To learn about components on the Apple-1 mainboard click here.
Please spread the word about the Apple-1 Registry by adding a link to your social media account and/or website.
Contact us, if you have new information about any Apple-1 (parts) for sale.
070 verified Apple-1
022 almost verified Apple-1
092 verified and almost verified Apple-1
009 Apple-1 might exist or could be double listed and 003 Apple-1 may no longer exist
Please read the notes following the list. Here is a short evaluation.
Of all verified or almost verified Apple-1:
047 1st batch
042 2nd batch.
002 unknown version.
001 are hand-soldered.
032 of the 47 1st batch Apple-1 have a serial number, 8 have no serial number and of 7 it is unknown.
067 are in working condition, 6 are not working and the working condition of 19 is unknown.
008 are in original Byte Shop case.
019 are in museums.
1071 pictures published.
Of all unverified Apple-1:
004 1st batch.
004 2nd batch.
003 unknown version.
001 are hand-soldered.
010 pictures published.
1081 pictures all together.
A list of all known 1st batch Apple-1 with serial number ('serial #') on the back is here. The serial number is Steve Jobs' handwriting (full story).
A list of all known Apple-1 with original wooden Byte Shop cases is here.
Only more or less verified Apple-1 are listed here. Click here for the list with sort and filter option.
The simple list is available in case the list with sort and filter may not work on some devices.
= location,
= batch, numbers/stamps/labels,
= verification status,
= picture and video count,
= available history,
= auctions.
'More or less verified': To the best of our knowledge and belief, evidence is almost given or obvious. Many times current owner is unknown, pictures might be old etc.!
Unlisted Apple-1: The Apple-1 Registry is in contact with some owner who wish to have no information at all published. We respect this. So far unknown Apple-1 might exist as well.
Naming: Because of no serial number on all Apple-1, every Apple-1 got a unique name. The name of the Apple-1 should be the first owner, if not available name of the last owner or last known location. Last resort is the sequential number.
Working condition: Most Apple-1 could be operational again – depending on how much effort you spend or how much parts you are willing to change.
Last operation: The year of last operation is bot listed for good reason. After every power-up no Apple-1 owner would announce this to the Apple-1 Registry and this information would be obsolete very soon.
Accuracy: No guarantee can be given for the accuracy of any information. If you have more information please feel free to
contact us. Many very good replica of Apple-1 exist. Even with date code correct components. Anyone interested
in buying Apple-1 have to keep this in mind. Hobbyist are usually building replica for private use. Even some museums use replicas.
Auction: Only successful auctions since the year 2000 are considered.
Production: All Apple-1 were produced in two batches spring and fall 1976. There is no serial number issued by Apple.
Apple Computer supplied only the mainboard, Cassette Interface Adapter and manuals. No case, power supply or keyboard. The Apple-1 was the first Apple computer and the beginning of a success story.
Number of existing Apple-1: It may look like many Apple-1 are available, but it's getting harder to buy an Apple-1 every year. Many Apple-1 are now owned by museums or companies and will never be for sale again. In the coming years more and more Apple-1 will 'disappear' from the market, because fewer Apple-1's will have a private owner. Someday it will be nearly impossible to buy an Apple-1.
Lost Apple-1: Some information about destroyed / lost Apple-1 exist. More about it here.
Last update: Mar 21, 2025. Change log for all Apple-1.
Technical info: For much better performance all pictures are significantly reduced in size through admin by using efficient compressing tools for pictures shown on the web.
You can link to the Apple-1 Registry. Any form of reprint or reproduction (including excerpts) only with written permission of the Apple-1 Registry.
Press releases and images free to use under CC BY-SA 4.0.
If you have pictures and/or informations about any Apple-1, it would be very kind to share it with us.
Contact the Apple-1 Registry.
For any comment on a listed Apple-1, please click on the respective Apple-1 and add the comment there. Here you can add any other comment.