The Apple-1 Registry

List of all original Apple-1. If you are a first time visitor and not familiar with iconic Apple-1 computers, please read all the information first.

Go to previous entry #34   -   Go to next entry #36
Note: This is the 35th entry in the list and not the 35th Apple-1 produced. The Apple-1 does not have a regular serial number. Only some Apple-1 got a handwritten serial number.

'Museum in Bern' Apple-1 - number 35 in the Registry

5 pictures published.


2nd batch NTI
Wave-soldered mainboard

Serial number, stamp, label

no number on the back


Switzerland, Bern
Museum for Communication Bern, Switzerland

On display

It is on display


Existence verified. In a museum. According to pictures.

Museum's website

Museum for Communication Bern, Switzerland
Apple-1 in the catalog of the museum


First pictures appeared at Applefritter. The board in picture from the museum in Bern is different than the Applefritter pictures, but I'm told the machine in the Applefritter pictures was sold to that museum.
This board got a litlle stamp '77' in the lower right corner on the front!

There is no deep link to the Apple-1 on the museum's website, so perhaps it is no longer on display?


According to the museum: The case was ordered by the former owner (from Germany) from that German company. To the right of the keyboard was a small metal-paper printer. Our Apple 1 computer was used by a small German company for electronics and precision engineering and was probably purchased directly from Apple in the USA.
The curator of the Apple-1 Registry maybe can identify the owner.


no auction
(see History for more information)


White ceramic MOS MCS 6502 CPU, pastic Synertek SY6520 PIA, 8 KB plastik DRAM. 3 yellow and 5 blue capacitors.


Unique metal case with keyboard (made in Germany). Power supply. Monitor. White Operation Manual (unsure, if it is original), Cassette Interface Manual, Apple-1 advertisement.

Last update

Feb 17, 2022

Change log (since March 20, 2018)

May 23, 2019: Description of picture(s)/video(s)
May 27, 2019: Number/Sticker/Stamp info
May 28, 2019: Museum's website added
Jun 26, 2019: Description of picture(s)/video(s)
Jun 26, 2019: Verification status. Components. Equipment. Description. History added
Jun 26, 2019: 2 picture(s) added
Jun 26, 2019: Additional information
Nov 16, 2021: Labels / stamps added
Feb 16, 2022: Description of picture(s)/video(s)
Feb 16, 2022: Geo description. Museum's website. Description
Feb 17, 2022: On display status
Feb 17, 2022: Museum's website

Change log for all Apple-1.

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Please spread the word about the Apple-1 Registry by adding a link to your social media account and/or website. Contact us, if you have new information about any Apple-1 or Apple-1 (parts) for sale.

You can link to the Apple-1 Registry. Any form of reprint or reproduction (including excerpts) only with written permission of the Apple-1 Registry. Here you find press releases and images free to use under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Contact the Apple-1 Registry.