The Apple-1 Registry

List of all original Apple-1. If you are a first time visitor and not familiar with iconic Apple-1 computers, please read all the information first.

Go to previous entry #84   -   Go to next entry #86
Note: This is the 85th entry in the list and not the 85th Apple-1 produced. The Apple-1 does not have a regular serial number. Only some Apple-1 got a handwritten serial number.

'Huston brothers 2' Apple-1 - number 85 in the Registry

16 pictures published.


1st batch
Wave-soldered mainboard

Serial number, stamp, label

Likely the handwriting of Steve Jobs
List of all serial numbers.


USA, California, Bay Area
Buck’s Restaurant, Woodside, 3062 Woodside Rd, Woodside, CA 94062, USA

On display

It is on display in a special frame


Existence verified. Known to registry caretaker or expert. According to pictures.


Not working


Jamis MacNiven

Serial number on the back

The serial number on the back of the Apple-1 was most likely written by Steve Jobs. According to available information, a forensic analysis has not yet been performed for this Apple-1. However, for some other Apple-1s with a serial number on the back it has been confirmed that it is Steve Jobs' handwriting. More information.


Buck's of Woodside


Verified (and signed) by Woz with attestation signed by Cliff and Dick Houston.In August 2019 verified by Achim Baqué as well.
In June 2019 pictures showing Jamis MacNiven holding an Apple-1 in his hands appeared at the internet.
This Apple-1 was shown by Jamis MacNiven to Chris Espinosa in June 2019.

It is on display at famous Buck's of Woodside restaurant. The signs say:
Apple Computer 1
In Steve Jobs parent’s garage in 1976 Steve Wozniak built about 200 Apple 1’s. Less than 70 are known to exist today. It is by far the most sought after collectable in Silicon Valley history. This one is courtesy of Andy Rubin. Steve ‘Woz’ Wozniak and Steve Jobs in 1976. This computer came with no case, keyboard or monitor.Woz signing the Apple 1 May 19th, 2019. In the picture are Elvis, Marilyn, Andy Rubin, Roy Rogers, Rudolph Valentino, Jamis MacNiven (Buck’s owner) Woz and by coincidence, Steve Jobs in Groucho glasses looking over Woz’s shoulder. Just a typical day at Buck’s.


Andy Rubin wrote to Achim Baqué October 2019 and kindly shared the information he got about this Apple-1:
First known owner were the brothers Dick and Cliff Huston. Apple engeneers and employees number 25 and 27. They owned a 2nd Apple-1. #21 in the Apple-1 Registry.
Cliff Huston walked into Steve Jobs office and noticed a pile of Apple-1 boards. Steve told him that they were to be destoyed (probably this never happend). The pile of Apple-1 were trade-ins for Apple II. Cliff asked, if he can take one and one for his brother. The story goes that people around pple asked the Huston brothers why they want the Apple-1? It's history, just history was the answer. That is so true.

Andy Rubin bought the Apple-1 at eBay June 2012 for US$ 75,600.
Andy Rubin left it on the table of famous Buck's of Woodside restaurant 2019.It took the owner Jamis McNiven some time to find out, who the Apple-1 left.
Andy gave it to Jamis for displaying it at Buck's.

Registry caretaker Achim Baqué visited Jamis in August 2019 for a 3 hours talk. Two days later he visited him again together woth Daniel Kottke.
The Apple-1 was on display at Vintage Computer Festival West 2019 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, USA.
The Apple-1 was renamed Oct 2019 to “Huston #2”.


June 2012
(see History for more information)


White ceramic CPU MOS 6502 (1576), plastic PIA AMI S6820, 4 KB plastic DRAM in row A, all blue capacitors.


Original Apple Cassette Interface.


PROMs are probably not original. All other components looks original.
Some traces cutted and reconnected. Some manual soldering.
Signed by Woz.

Last update

Oct 25, 2022

Change log (since March 20, 2018)

Aug 09, 2019: On display status
Aug 09, 2019: 16 picture(s) added
Aug 09, 2019: Verification info. State (shortlist) added
Aug 09, 2019: Description of picture(s)/video(s)
Aug 10, 2019: Last verification added
Oct 31, 2019: Name. History
Oct 31, 2019: Auctions
Nov 16, 2021: Working condition
Oct 25, 2022: Owner. Description. History

Change log for all Apple-1.

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Please spread the word about the Apple-1 Registry by adding a link to your social media account and/or website. Contact us, if you have new information about any Apple-1 or Apple-1 (parts) for sale.

You can link to the Apple-1 Registry. Any form of reprint or reproduction (including excerpts) only with written permission of the Apple-1 Registry. Here you find press releases and images free to use under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Contact the Apple-1 Registry.