The Apple-1 Registry

List of all original Apple-1. If you are a first time visitor and not familiar with iconic Apple-1 computers, please read all the information first.

Go to previous entry #44   -   Go to next entry #46
Note: This is the 45th entry in the list and not the 45th Apple-1 produced. The Apple-1 does not have a regular serial number. Only some Apple-1 got a handwritten serial number.

'Duston 1' Apple-1 - number 45 in the Registry

9 pictures published.


2nd batch NTI
Wave-soldered mainboard

Serial number, stamp, label

no number on the back




Existence verified. Known to registry caretaker or expert. According to pictures.


Working condition


White 6502 and plastic film decoupling caps.
77 stamped on back.
Blue (replacement?) keyboard connector.
Added RCA video connector.


Adam Duston bought this computer and #23 in the Apple-1 Registry at the Byte Shop in 1976.
Puchased from Adam Duston August 1996 by David Larsen.


no auction
(see History for more information)


White ceramic MOS MCS 6502 CPU, plastic AMI S6820 PIA, 8 KB plastic DRAM. 5 small yellow capacitors, 2 blue big capacitors. 1 silver capacitor (not original).


Video RCA connector added (the same modification is found at number 23 in the Registy). One big blue capacitor changed to silver capacitor. On some pictures the silver capacitor is blue. It was modified at some point.Blue keyboard connector.


David Larsen presenting this Apple-1

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Last update

Nov 16, 2021

Change log (since March 20, 2018)

Nov 14, 2018: 1 video(s) deleted
Nov 14, 2018: Description of picture(s)/video(s)
Nov 14, 2018: 8 picture(s) added
Nov 14, 2018: Components
Nov 18, 2018: History
May 16, 2019: History
Nov 16, 2021: Working condition

Change log for all Apple-1.

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You can link to the Apple-1 Registry. Any form of reprint or reproduction (including excerpts) only with written permission of the Apple-1 Registry. Here you find press releases and images free to use under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Contact the Apple-1 Registry.