The Apple-1 Registry

List of all original Apple-1. If you are a first time visitor and not familiar with iconic Apple-1 computers, please read all the information first.

Go to previous entry #61   -   Go to next entry #63
Note: This is the 62th entry in the list and not the 62th Apple-1 produced. The Apple-1 does not have a regular serial number. Only some Apple-1 got a handwritten serial number.

'Smithsonian' Apple-1 - number 62 in the Registry

4 pictures published.


1st batch
Wave-soldered mainboard

Serial number, stamp, label

backside unknown


USA, Washington DC
Smithsonian, Washington DC
Currently not on display

On display

It is not on display


In a museum. According to pictures.


Working condition



Museum's website

Museum's website including pictures.


This Apple-1 is working.
Wendell Sander reported on the origin of this unit in the Retro-Restore Yahoo Group: "The story I heard (and I don't recall the source) was that the Smithsonian approached Apple asking for an Apple 1. Phil Roybal (one of the early marketing people, employee # 36) knew that Homestead High School had one. Homestead is where the two Steves went to High School. He approached the school and offered to trade a fully equipped Apple II for the Apple 1 and they agreed. My understanding was that the case was built at the school."
Randy Wigginton told a friend of at K'Fest in 2013 that he is 95% sure that his brother made the enclosure at high school.
No longer on display - the computer display has been dismantled.

According to the Museums website: Associated with this object are 2015.0001.01 (the microcomputer), 2015.0001.01.1 (a cassette interface), 2015.0001.01.2 (a power supply), and 2015.0001.02 (monitor with cable).


According to Smithonian Museum this Apple-1 was acquired in part through a generous donation from Malon D. Mimms, Jr. as well as gifts from Paul Neely, Steven Fink, and Dorothy Lemelson.
It belongs to the National Museum of American History.


no auction
(see History for more information)


White ceramic MOS MCS 6502 CPU (1576), plastic AMI S6820P PIA (7745), 8 KB plastic RAM, blue capacitors.


Keyboard, Sanyo monitor, new power supply.


Very good. AMI PIA changed (date code 7745). 4 DRAM chips changed (MK4027M-3).3 74S257 changed (Chips from El Salvador date code 8114). 74166 changed (National date code 7951).74154 changed (National date code 9311). The LM323K is not original as well.

Last update

Nov 16, 2021

Change log (since March 20, 2018)

Mar 23, 2018: Description. History
Mar 26, 2018: State
Mar 26, 2018: 4 picture(s) added
Mar 31, 2018: Components
May 28, 2019: Museum's website added
Mar 21, 2020: Description of picture(s)/video(s)
Mar 21, 2020: State
Oct 20, 2021: Components (shortlist)
Nov 16, 2021: Working condition

Change log for all Apple-1.

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Contact the Apple-1 Registry.