The Apple-1 Registry

List of all original Apple-1. If you are a first time visitor and not familiar with iconic Apple-1 computers, please read all the information first.

Go to previous entry #36   -   Go to next entry #38
Note: This is the 37th entry in the list and not the 37th Apple-1 produced. The Apple-1 does not have a regular serial number. Only some Apple-1 got a handwritten serial number.

'Hatfield' Apple-1 - number 37 in the Registry

5 pictures published.


2nd batch NTI
Wave-soldered mainboard

Serial number, stamp, label

no number on the back


South Korea, Jeju Island
Nexon Museum

On display

It is on display, 1F Welcome Stage.


In a museum. Auction. According to pictures.


Working condition

Museum's website

Nexon Museum


Auction at Sotheby's


Rework connecting PIA to proto area with multi- color ribbon cable.
No number sticker on back.
According to the auction text from 2010 the motherboard was modified by Steve Wozniak to add an interface for a potentiomenter, and two tapes. The potentionemter was used as a paddle. Seller made a guess, that it was used for the game Breakout.
The name of this Apple-1 was changed in 2021 from 'Nexon Museum' to 'Hattfield'. Hattfield was the first owner and this name is always the first choice.


The original owner of the Apple-1 on sale was Fred Hatfield, not the a former major league baseball player. In 2013 an auction house made a wrong statement about a former football player. The original owner was able to proof, that it was his Apple-1 and he is not the baseball player.
Ebay Auction 320585219846, Sept 10, 2010. Sold for US$ 22,766.66 from someone in Chicago, USA. 23 bids. It was sold by an avid vintage computer collector.
This one sold to same collector that purchased the Huston Brothers ebay auction 160413355114.
Traded to another collector for a Cray 1.
Brought up to operational state and auctioned at Sotheby's for $ 374,500 on 6/15/2012.
Last buyer is from Korea and this Apple on Display in the Nexon Computer Museum.


Sept. 2010, June 2012, May 2013
(see History for more information)


White ceramic MOS MCS 6502 CPU (3776), plastic AMI S6820 PIA (7544), 8 KB plastic DRAM MK4096N-11 (7635). 5 yellow capacitors. 3 big blue capacitors.


Original Apple Cassette Interface, Cassette Interface Manual, white Operation Manual, Preliminary Basic Manual, Apple-1 advertisement, keyboard, cassette recorder, power supply, TV screen, 3 cassettes.


Very good. One empty socket at proto area which was removed. Pictures from eBay auction in 2010 showing, that the PIA was changed and some modifications in the video area are removed.


Youtube video about Sotheby's auction.Youtube video of the Apple-1 in the museum (from Yunah Choi).

Before you click on video links make sure you have read and accepted the disclaimer about Youtube links according to the European Data Protection Law (2016/679).

Last update

Nov 16, 2021

Change log (since March 20, 2018)

Apr 08, 2018: Website(s) added. Components
Dec 07, 2018: Auctions added
May 27, 2019: Verification status
May 28, 2019: Museum's website added
Jun 13, 2019: Auctions
Jun 15, 2019: Description of picture(s)/video(s)
Jun 15, 2019: Video link(s) added. Components. History
Jun 16, 2019: 4 picture(s) added
Jun 25, 2019: Geo description. Museum's website
Jul 12, 2019: Description of picture(s)/video(s)
Jul 12, 2019: State. Description. History
Nov 20, 2020: Video link(s)
Apr 08, 2021: Name. Description. History
Nov 16, 2021: Working condition

Change log for all Apple-1.

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